How to Get Dad a Cool Gift This Time

If Dad wants something: he goes out and gets it.
So how do you get something cool for Dad that he didn't already?
Find him a super cool gift that doesn't know about!
"Makes sense, but HOW?" Great question! Here's the good news:
I've collected a bunch of unique "Dad-Approved" gifts and put them into a list of my favorite picks along with where to get them. (I love Peeps!)
One thing to keep in mind...
Dad's Day is coming up soon! And most of these unique items are from small companies with limited stock. So pick them up while you can!
1. Peeps Carbon Technology – NASA Fixes Dad's Dirty Glasses

Does Dad wear glasses? Big sunglasses guy? He's gonna love Peeps!
You know how sprays and cloths just rub dirt around on glasses instead of removing it? Even worse, trying to buff lenses on your shirt? Easy way to scratch lenses!
Enter NASA (seriously!)
Peeps is a revolutionary way to spotlessly clean your lenses. The technology was developed by NASA and people are LOVING it. They're sooooo satisfying to use.
Just squeeze the tweezer-like shape and rub over the lens for smudges, dirt, and grime to lift off lenses like magic. NASA uses the same technology to clean their telescopes, so you can trust that it won’t damage Dad's expensive lenses!
- Trusted by more than 20,000 optometrists around the world
- Scratch-resistant brush removes dust and all abrasive particles
- REMOVES instead of SPREADS dirt and oil
2. NicoBloc – Quit Nicotine Before Quitting Smoking… What!?

If Dad's a smoker, you know how frustrating and difficult it is to quit. And even those who DO succeed often end trading one addiction for another (like nicotine gum or e-cigarettes). NicoBloc lives up to its name by blocking 99% of tar and nicotine as you smoke. This innovative product helps Dad quit nicotine before he quits smoking cigarettes.
Users say it helps tremendously with the social and mental aspects of quitting… which nicotine replacements don’t help with. Most importantly, it’s been shown to be 10X more effective than cold turkey! Clinically Proven to minimize withdrawals, helping Dad quit at his own pace. Doctor Recommended with 7 out of 10 smokers able to successfully quit smoking altogether with NicoBloc!
3. Dodow – Help Dad Get the Best Sleep Ever

Dad needs sleep too.
My Dad's sleep routine for years was simply sitting in his comfy chair and flipping the channels on TV until he passed out. Didn't matter what he was watching. Nothing else would work.
He couldn't sleep by laying down and staring at the ceiling.
Mind was always racing. Events of the day. Worried about that meeting tomorrow. What was going on with the kids at school. What was that important thing he had to do on Friday?
And on, and on...
Then when he awoke in the morning, crumpled up in his comfy chair. His body, of course, ached all over. He was usually cranky from getting terrible sleep.
Every day.
My Dad's a big "no drugs" guy. So that was out (thankfully!). He tried a glass of whisky or wine, but said that just gave him a headache when he just wanted to fall asleep.
But there was something about the TV taking his mind off things and giving him something to "space out" with.
Dad wasn't the first to realize this (and certainly won't be the last). And there is some science to back this up:
Doing Yoga, Meditation, and Behavioral Therapy has helped people get to sleep for ages. But you can guess how much my Dad wanted to take a Yoga and Meditation class. Dads are like that.
Luckily, super smart people (now Ex-insomniacs) found that combining techniques from yoga, meditation, and behavioral therapy using a metronome-light will help ANYONE to effortlessly fall asleep… AND stay asleep.
So they stuck it into a tiny device called Dodow. It's a metronome-light scientifically designed to block out overactive thought patterns and lull you into a deep peaceful sleep – fast. Not only that--
It doesn't just help you fall asleep once: It actually retrains your brain to fall asleep on its own — and with ZERO side effects. Even better?
It has a 100 Day Money Back Guarantee. No sleep? Then get your money back. Perfect.
But back to my Dad.
I recommended he try out the Dodow. He grudgingly didn't want to give up his TV routine, but humored me. His back was aching and he longed to sleep in a bed again. The result?
He was out in 7 minutes. Snoring loudly, and peacefully, as Dads should.
He hasn't slept in his comfy chair in months now. Mission accomplished.
If your Dad needs sleep (and most Dads do!), get him some much needed winks with a Dodow.
4. TheraICE Rx Sleeve – “2 in 1” Compression Sleeve That Relieves Dad's Joint Pain FAST

My Dad won't stop playing sports no matter how old he gets.
His new obsession is Pickleball (whatever that is).
Which is great! Good for him. Keeps him healthy and active.
He's also always injured in some way or another. Twisted ankle from basketball. Sore knees from running. Elbow pain from Pickleball (Pickleball-Elbow? Is that a thing?)
I swear half of his freezer is bulky ice packs. So I found something to alleviate his pain and take up a lot less space:
It's called TheraICE Rx Sleeve and he loves it. Instead of trying to wrap ice around his ankle, knees, or elbows, he can just slip this on in seconds and get instant relief.
TheraIce Rx Sleeve also acts as a compression sleeve that provides BOTH hot and cold compression therapy.
Now my Dad can enjoy the rejuvenating benefits of doctor-recommended cryotherapy AND heat treatments anytime he wants, without taking up half the freezer.
Mom is happy about that.
And Dad is happy that he doesn't have to use up so much tape whenever he comes home from Pickleball.
5. EyeQue – Test Dad's Vision & Update His Prescription From Home (No Doc Visits!)

My Dad would rather be doing anything other than a trip to a doctor.
Doesn't matter the doctor. People in white coats sticking plastic things in his ears, hitting his knees with a rubber hammer, sticking those little wooden popscile sticks in his mouth until he gags. Don't get him started on Dentists.
He gets especially annoyed when he has to go to the Eye Doctor. Every year.
It's always the same routine. Drive to the doc's office. Wait forever. Eventually get to sit in the special chair. Put your chin on the cold plastic thing. Take that test where they touch his eyes (gross). Put some expensive eye drops in. Finally, the Doc graces him with his presence. Flips the monstrous metal thing with lenses, read the alphabet out loud...
For basically the same result every time. Yup. He still needs glasses! And now he has to drive back home in goofy-looking sunglasses becuase of all the unecessary tests.
"Waste of time." as my Dad says.
But the reality is... if his prescription changes and he needs new glasses to see while driving, how can he get them without the excruciating "waste of time"?
My Dad isn't alone in this. That's why some smart MIT Technology stepped in:
EyeQue is patented device that gives an accurate eye exam from home, which Dad can use to order prescription glasses online.
Even Optometrists recommend it, saying it provides excellent results while helping to reduce office overload! But the best part is--
Dad can use this thing to get results in under 8 minutes! No more "waste of time" taking an hour or so driving back and forth to the doc's office. And Dad's not alone...
Over 90% of users who ordered glasses with EyeQue said their results were as good or better than their previous office visit results!
Help Dad keep his glasses up-to-date without wasting time (and money) at the doc's office with an EyeQue.
6. LifeVac – Save Loved Ones From Choking With This Revolutionary Life-Saving Device

LifeVac is an FDA Class 2 airway clearing device that quickly and safely removes obstructions when someone is choking.
Unlike back slaps and abdominal thrusts (which can break ribs – or even cause the object to become further lodged in the throat), LifeVac uses suction to smoothly and effortlessly remove the object – it’s so easy anyone (Dad or not) can use it!
- Clinical studies have proven LifeVac to be 100% safe to use in a choking emergency
- Easy to use – you don’t need training or a prescription to use it
- Works on both children and adults
7. GoDonut – The Only Stand Dad Ever Needs

Your Dad needs this more than you can imagine-- And you can imagine a lot:
How many times have you seen your Dad propping his phone against the table lamp for a Zoom call with the Grandkids?
Trying to balance his tablet on a book so he can see it better?
Checking sports on his iPhone while grilling and almost setting the house on fire? (not to mention his poor iPhone...)
I've seen (and heard) them all. Let's help Dad out here... with something shaped like a donut!
I know, there are a ton of gadget 'stands' out there. And I've tried them all.
But GoDonut is the clear winner by a mile. Most stands kind of suck in one way or another. But. This is one I love.
It's elegantly simple, yet highly functional.
It securely fits nearly every mobile device, from phones to tablets so you can enjoy hands-free from any angle. It’s compact, super portable and built to last a lifetime.
8. CupStation – Expand Dad's Cup Holder To Hold Anything

My Dad always tells me this amazing story:
The Porsche 911. One of the fastest, coolest sports cars ever. But guess what?
Nobody bought it in the United States. With good reason--
They forgot the cupholder.
Even huge car guys didn't want to touch it if they couldn't drive 0-60 while slurping on their favorite refreshment. What I always got out of that story was:
You can never have too many cupholders!
I found this super-cool gadget which literally multiplies, and enhances the cupholder in your car. My American Dad is so proud.
And it's not just cups. This thing will hold almost anything! Any of those gargantuan “super size” cups, awkward objects like Happy Meals, and even your Smartphone or Tablet. I also managed to make it hold my entire combo meal.
Take that Porsche 911.
Not only is the CupStation much more convenient, it also helps to prevent dangerous situations (like your water bottle rolling off the passenger’s seat… and ending up underneath the gas pedal --not fun).
Simply put, if Dad needs more storage (and he always does!) in his car, he’ll love the CupStation!
Plus. He can claim his car is way better than a Porsche!
9. Bondic – Dad Can Quickly Fix Almost Anything

Dad loves fixing stuff. Especially when he gets to use his tools. Unfortunately, not everything can be fixed with a screwdriver. Especially kid's toys and Mom's stuff that always seems too fragile to use a blowtorch on.
That's where Bondic comes in.
Bondic doesn’t just stick things together like glue. It welds them together — without the heat. It allows you to re-attach broken eyeglasses, refill holes in leaky plumbing, and rebuild just about anything… even fine china!
Let’s face it, most glues and adhesives kind of suck… They’re messy and they never seem to hold like they should. Bondic is way better than glue. Here's why:
Dad simply has to apply the unique liquid formula to the damaged area, shine its special UV light on it for only 4 seconds, and voila! The liquid freezes into a rock-solid layer of clear plastic on his command.
10. The Wand Wine Purifier – Let Dad Enjoy Wine WITHOUT The Nasty Side Effects!

My Dad loves wine. My Grandpa loves wine. I love wine. Heck, my whole family loves wine. There's just one little catch...
As we get older, even as Dads, our tolerance for some things in the wine isn't quite what it used to be.
That's why, no matter how exquisite the wine is, we're more prone to wine-related side effects like headaches, congestion, flushed cheeks, upset stomachs or hangovers, ugh.
But it's not really Dad's fault!
You may heave heard (and it's true!) that wine is mostly good stuff! Tons of antioxidants (tannins), a nice amount of potassium, and even some good B vitamins in the mix.
Wine also contains a bunch of other stuff. Namely sulfites and histamines. And those cause all the dreaded "side-effects" mentioned above. But some super-smart scientists figured it out:
Dad can use a “magic wand” to absorb 95% of all sulfites and histamines from your wine while leaving all the good stuff in the glass. Without affecting the flavor!
The Wand is perfect for Dads who get “wine allergies” as they age! And it's so easy to use – simply stir The Wand in his glass and enjoy!
11. TikiTunes – The Coolest Speakers For The Coolest Dads

These are for the music loving Dads out there.
The perfect gift for listening to tunes (or podcasts!) in style, and they sound as great as they look.
TikiTunes are awesome tiki-themed speakers that connect to any device you normally use. Not only do they offer excellent sound quality, they set the mood unlike any other speaker you’ve ever seen.
But what I really love about them (aside from their cool looks) is they can be paired up to each other letting Dad listen to music throughout the yard, house, or wherever he wants!
And they're built to withstand the outdoors, so no worries using them at Dad's latest outdoor BBQ.
- Take it anywhere you want to go – works both indoors AND outdoors!
- Improves any atmosphere, no matter Dad's personal style
- Can pair multiple speakers together to take things up a notch
- Rechargeable battery gives you a minimum of six hours (and up to ten!) of constant music and light
12. Kitchen Cube – Say Goodbye To Clunky Measuring Spoons & Cups

Kitchen Cube is an all-in-one measuring device that saves drawer space, increases organization, and reduces clutter by combining 19 measurement tools in one compact design.
It’s small enough to fit in any drawer and packs in measurements ranging from teaspoons to cups. Everything is clearly labeled, so Dad can quickly find and use the measurement he needs with ease. Easy to use? Check. Easy to clean? Check. Easy to find? Check!
13. Bed Scrunchie – Save Dad's Bed And His Sleep

Dads hate changing the bed sheets.
Picture this:
He finally finds the right corners (after three tries)! Oh great. Now, Dad has to reach over to the other side of the bed, and of course then it snaps out of the other corner. Wait, is that even the right bed? It must fit!
Ok, Ok. *Deep breaths* Dad excruciatingly gets it on all four corners and...
It's all wrinkled. Ok. Start over. Or call on Mom, maybe she'll do it again (and get angry at Dad's incompetence).
Sound familiar?
It might be a Dad thing, because every Dad I talk to has the same story...
But there is hope! More than hope, actually, I've found a solution--
Bed Scrunchie. This little tool stops your bed sheets from coming off the mattress corners. All you have to do is pull a cord and your sheets will magically tighten. Works on ANY bed type or size – and on any size of sheets! Yes, even if the sheets are too small or too large, Bed Scrunchie can fix it (and keep ’em on tight). It gets better:
Bed Scrunchie is American-made and has a 100-Night Sleep Tight Guarantee – If Dad ain't happy Bed Scrunchie will give you a full refund! One more perk?
All the sheets in the house have that crisp 5-star hotel look & feel… my wife is super impressed with the sheets now. This tool should be required for all Dads who have to change the bedsheets!
14. Aculief – Discreet Device Relieves Dad Headaches In Seconds

The Dad Life is not easy. Screaming kids. Upset wife. Bossy boss. Paying bills. Work. Ugh.
It's no wonder that Dad's often get headaches. But there's a cool gadget I found that takes the edge off whenever I want, without grabbing for the bottle of Advil...
It's a tiny acupressure clip you can slip on your hand. And I can't believe how well it works!
Aculief can stop headaches in as little as one minute no pills, wires, or doctor’s visits! This wearable device uses a technique that’s been used for thousands of years to relieve headaches: LI4 acupressure science.
All you have to do is slide the little “clip” right on your hand and go about your day as normal. Dads can still sleep, exercise, shower, work – whatever they want – without the headache.
- Pressure points are scientifically proven to quickly relieve headaches when pressed
- No harmful side-effects with over-the-counter drugs. Nothing to ingest!
- Can take it ANYWHERE and wear while doing ANYTHING
- You’ll feel pain relief in as little as 1-3 minutes!
- Excellent for all types of headaches
- Lasts a lifetime – no batteries or refills to worry about
15. ODii – Claw Gadget Helps Dad Help Everyone Else

Dads have heard it countless times:
Look, Dad! I found it! It's way, wayyyy back. Under the couch! Can you get it for me?
Honey, can you reach that?
Uh oh. It fell between the car seats! Can you squeeze in there?
Don't worry, us Dads love to help. But sometimes... you know. Dads could use a little help too. As card carrying members of the Dads Club, we'll never ask!
But we do love using tools! And trust me, this is one tool I think every Dad out there will love as much as I do.
ODii is another one of those items that a Dad just isn’t complete without – once he has it, you’ll be surprised he ever survived without it!
Dads can use ODii to easily grip and grab any items --no matter where they are-- thanks to its long, strong, retractable arm that can reach between car seats, down drains, and countless other places.
It can hold up to 10 pounds and even has a 23-inch magnet to attract all those tiny metal doodads that seem impossible to pick up. It even comes with a handy flashlight to see where you’re going!
16. GlowBowl – Help Dad Get Lit For The Bathroom!

Dad uses the toilet, right?
And how much do you think he hates blinding himself every time he needs to use the bathroom at night? One flash of the light and BAM he's awake for the next few hours!
Or worse. He doesn't use any lights and just hopes for the best. Maybe ask Mom about how that works out.
The GlowBowl is perfect for this! Not many things provide health, safety, and ambiance at once, but the GlowBowl actually does this really well.
You see, it's a motion-activated glow that illuminates the toilet when you get near it. Its gentle glow means Dad will hit his mark, and get back to sleep easily. And it comes with a Built-In Air Freshener.
Not to mention...
Does Dad have kids?
Because kids also love the colors! With over 13 different LED colors, who knew going to the bathroom could be so much fun?
17. Neck Hammock – Relax Away Dad's Stress Anywhere

My Dad loves Hawaii. He always tells me about traveling there when he was younger and spending all day at the beach lounging in a hammock, reading a book. Sipping on a cocktail. Letting the sounds and sights of the beach wash over him. He still thinks fondly of that hammock anytime he gets too stressed.
Now. I'm a Dad and I don't really have the means to go to Hawaii or the space to hang a hammock! But. I found my own little paradise with this unique device. Which, get this:
Simulates you lounging in your own hammock without taking up any space.
Hard to imagine? Because it is!
You really have to try it to believe it. Even better?
It releases all the stress from any sort of neck pain! And let's be honest. We all have that these days. Staring at a screen all day. The classic-- "I slept on it wrong." Or maybe you just feel tense from stress. Yup, our necks take a beating these days.
But no matter the stress, The Neck Hammock could be the relaxing, rejuvenating answer you’re looking for – all you have to do is strap it on, lay back, then let gravity gently release tension!
The Neck Hammock brings the "hammock lifestyle" to tiny spaces… and it instantly relieves neck pain. And it just feels great to use! Give the gift of that magical Hammock in Hawaii to your Dad. He can take that "mini paradise" with him wherever he goes!
18. ThePhotoStick OMNI – Protect ALL Of Dad's Photos

Dad has tons of precious photos, famliy videos, (and possibly funny memes) saved on his phone. And his computer. And his tablet. And maybe few more a scattered across a laptop or two.
This is a recipe for heartbreak.
It's hard enough to keep photos and videos organized on a phone… and one mistake (on any of his devices) can suddenly result in a loss. Lost photos of grandson crawling. Daughter's graduation video gone. Yes, even that clever meme he can never find again.
That’s why I always recommend ThePhotoStick OMNI to everyone (especially Dads with kids and grandkids) with a lot of photos and videos to keep track of. This powerful USB stick finds and saves all of Dad's photos and videos from any device (phones, tablets and computers) in a matter of seconds.
Plus, it's easy to share any and all the photos from the included free app!
19. AirPhysio™️ - Strengthen Dad's Lungs and Airways Naturally

After the last two years, everyone is a bit shocked of how quickly things can change. Many are worried about long term effects to their health and breathing.
And all Dads should be in their best health. That's where AirPhysio comes in.
You see, AirPhysio is a patented, award-winning device that uses Oscillating Positive Expiratory Pressure (OPEP) to naturally improve breathing.
This pocket-sized device has taken the world by storm, already helping millions and counting. This genius respiratory marvel cleans out lungs from stubborn mucus and opens breathing airways (naturally) - If Dad's a smoker, has asthma, COPD or prone to wheezing and gets that “heavy chest” feeling… AirPhysio is the answer. He'll be breathing better than ever before… no need to wait to breathe better, right?
And there you go – 19 awesome gadgets for Father's Day!
We know stock is limited on many of these hot gadgets, so be sure to check availbility of these items before they sell out!
If you found this list helpful, be sure to share it with family and friends.
Thanks for reading! And remember: