For those with anxiety about anything this device could change your life. If you don't think you have anxiety, then keep reading because:
You never know when it will hit.
I could never have imagined this:
Years ago, working in Japan at the Hitachi factory in a small town named Omika, I had a pretty good life. Woke up early and worked all day. A bit stressful, but it paid well. I couldn't complain. Until one day in 2011, when my work was interrupted by blaring sirens...

And the building shook. Violently.
The walls (which were basically made of sheet-metal) started folding in front of my eyes. My co-worker dived under his desk. Dazed and confused, I followed his lead. And then I asked him:
"What's going on? It's just another small one, isn't it?"
This was a big factory worker dude, nothing really phased him. So imagine my surprise when I saw the fear in his eyes, and he looked straight at me and said:
"No. This isn't normal. I've felt this before... and this is worse!"
"What do you mean?"
"I'm from Kobe. I was there 20 years ago when the big one hit!"
As we planned our escape from the factory, the news was starting to get out...
It was the biggest earthquake to hit Japan ever. Followed by Tsunamis which wiped out countless towns and lives.

Needless to say, we got out of the factory. And eventually, after many days in evacuation shelters... I managed to make it to safety.
But the story didn't end there.
Even after I made it to safety. I started getting anxiety. And eventually...
Out of the blue, a sudden sense of doom. Urgency. Scared to death about something, but can't even pin-point what the heck it is.
Other times, it creeps up gradually. Something is off. Like you're on the edge of your seat. And then it builds up into a full-blown panic attack.
In all cases: The Fear is Real.
"But I'm not in any danger! What's going on? What if--?"
It doesn't matter what logic you throw at it, your brain doesn't care.
Anxiety affects everyone
In fact, the National Institute of Mental Health estimates that 40 million Americans are affected right now1
And why wouldn't it? We live in such a high pressure world.
Ancient Greek ancestors would be confused as to how we invented all theses complex machines that can do the work of thousands of people, yet we still stress out instead of lounging around and eating figs all day.
And it takes its toll...
It's no wonder that Anxiety is the most common mental issue in the United States, affecting nearly 1 in 5 adults2
So the answer to everything (by Big Pharma at least) is to take drugs!
Of course. Many of us know how that turns out...
I've gone through many, and I can safely say: they don't work long term. Why?
When I asked my doctor about my lack of progress, he admitted that most SSRI's don't have a lasting effect and can actually be detrimental to your health long-term3
So what can we do?Yoga. Meditation. Exercise. Diet.
To be fair, these do actually work. To some extent. Let me explain.
When I'm in bed trying my best to sleep, and my mind is racing... The last thing I want to do is get up and do some Yoga and Exercise!
Meditation can work for some. You're supposed to focus on your breath and clear your mind. Hard to do when your heart is beating a thousand miles an hour and your mind is racing even faster than that.
Which leaves Diet. There are certain foods which are supposed to increase anxiety.
So we simply have to get rid of them:
Drop sugar from your diet. Eat lots of vegetables and cut carbs. Easy, right?
If it doesn't work, then you'll just be skinny, miserable, and still have anxiety.
Of course, you also have to quit any stimulants. Including energy drinks. And... no more coffee?!
You gotta draw the line somewhere
Especially when you've tried all of these things and they simply don't work.
It's not your fault. Most of this advice is from "experts" who have no idea how Anxiety actually works and they're destined to fail because they don't attack the root of the problem.
What if someone with anxiety designed something to help. Which didn't involve medication or drastic changes to your lifestyle?
And it works?
That would be amazing, right? Then read on.
A brilliant woman named Cheyenne, struggled with insomnia and anxiety her entire adult life. When looking for natural ways to relieve anxiety, she stumbled upon something...
Don't worry, it's not shock therapy! Those were ancient, huge devices they used to hook groups up to and shock them to punish people with bad habits (what were they thinking?!)
Electotherapy Stimulation is something different. It emits tiny electronic waves that send a signal to your brain to restore the various neurochemicals back to their pre-stress state.
The only problem? The devices on the market were way too expensive (like thousands of dollars) and huge (the size of kitchen table)!
So Cheyenne worked tirelessly to create a portable, easy-to-use, and affordable device... and that’s how the Chill Pill was born!
But don't let its name fool you, it's not an actual pill that you swallow.
In fact, it's barely 2 inches and fits in nicely in your palm. Which is how you use it:
You simply hold it in your palm while it quickly calms all the common issues of anxiety.
The cold sweat.
The shaking.
All the crazy "What-if...?" scenarios.
Gently gets you back to your normal state
Wait. But how does that work? What is it doing?
That's an excellent question.
Most of anxiety is caused by the autonomic nervous system going into flight or fight mode. The details of why differ for each person.
But when you have it, no one cares about why it happened.
We just want it to go away.
And the Chill Pill does just that by sending tiny, harmless, electrical pulses to the autonomic nervous system and bring it back to its normal, balanced state. What does that mean?
It basically tells your body and your brain to calm down, everything is OK and there is no reason to worry so much.
It means the anxiety goes away, so you can finally get back to normal. Or to sleep.
And how much is that worth? In those moments, ANYTHING. I know--
After spending a fortune on doctors, medicines, and trying tons of meditation, yoga, exercise, and diets, I'd gladly pay a lot for anything that worked for anxiety.
Have Your Coffee
I honestly expected this thing to cost way more. I've spent more on coffee at Starbucks in the past month (remember, I'm not giving up coffee!)
So I picked up the Chill Pill for $65. And the best part was:
If it didn't work for me within 60 days, I get a 100% refund.
I wish my doctor or my yoga instructor could promise that.
Wait. But how do you actually use it?
All you do is: hold it in your hand.
Simply hold down the middle button until you see the Chill Pill start to glow. Then you adjust the pulse up or down to raise or lower the intensity.
The main pulse emits from the large silver circle in the middle. So you wrap your hand around and start feeling it.
Until your anxiety subsides and your body begins calming down.
I know what you're wondering...
"Do they work during your panic attacks?"
Well. After suffering from this stuff for over 10 years since I was in Japan...
I got my first chance to try the Chill Pill recently when attemping to go to church (I usually avoid crowds and being stuck inside).
A little after the sermon started, everyone stood up to sing and...
That’s when I felt my mind begin to race.
“Uh oh, here it comes...”
Normally, this is where I would quickly head to the exit and "step outside" to save face. But this time, I had the Chill Pill in my pocket. So I decided to try it.
I stuck my hand in my pocket, squeezed the Chill Pill and started to feel the pulse. As the music grew louder, I turned up the intensity knob a bit.
And the most amazing thing happened...
Everything slowed down.
Mind stopped racing. Heart stopped jumping. Breathing became slower.
As my thoughts returned to normal (and this sounds a bit strange) my humor returned. I was able to see how silly the whole situation was. The cold sweat dried off and I started laughing to myself. Mostly in disbelief. My whole body started to relax.
My biggest thought was: “Whoah.”
I smiled as the music ended and everyone sat back down. I couldn’t believe it – The Chill Pill calmed my anxiety the first time I used it!
Now. I always have my Chill Pill in my pocket. It gives me peace of mind so I can live a normal life.
Whenever I feel my anxiety creeping up, I just grab it and...
Instant calm.
Just thinking about all the events and situations I can enjoy again, without worrying "what if--?!" is worth sooooo much.
And I'm not the only one.
I've found tons of people, like Samantha, who are also ridiculously happy with this thing:
"This little gadget has been a legit game changer for my anxiety. I don't know if anyone else gets crazy panicky when getting lashes and nails done but I do... well, I used to! Not anymore, thank God!"
and another from Rylee:
"I originally got this thing for my sleep problems (takes hours to get to sleep every night) and it has changed my night routine completely. I look forward to bedtime now! But it's been even better for my ptsd-took my panic attacks down from at least 1-2 a week to maybe 1 a month, best investment ever!"
In fact, people of all ages are using the Chill Pill to naturally reduce their anxiety & insomnia symptoms. And don't forget:
It's risk free.
Try the Chill Pill for 60-days and if you don’t love it: full refund.
I can see why it's got tons of satisfied customers already. And you can be one too!
But act soon. I know how popular these have become since they were seen on Fox, Benzinga, and Geek Mamas so I can see them selling out quickly, as it's a pretty small company.
Update (June 4th 2022): They're back in stock! (for now) And even better, they've got a sweet discount going on today where you can pick up Chill Pill for 25% off while they've got them.